Survivors & Victims

CO-Gas Safety is a very small charity basically run by volunteers. Although we do our upmost to provide a helpline, we sometimes become overwhelmed. However if you suspect you have been poisoned by carbon monoxide (CO) it is important to:

  1. Follow the procedure under ‘Emergency’, and
  2. Find out how many parts per million of CO you have been exposed to. This is vital to make sure you have the correct medical treatment and to provide evidence in case you wish to prove exposure to anyone (spouse, employer or someone like a landlord who you might wish to sue). Please do contact us if you need help and advice with gas experts and lawyers.

Please do not allow anyone to touch your appliance (except to disconnect it) or change something in your house (e.g. change the chimney or sweep up soot) because you will be allowing someone to change or remove the evidence you may wish to use later and you will then be unable to do so.


Some people who have been poisoned find Vitamin B 12 injections help hugely. Tracey Witty is incredibly helpful so do read

Some people might also like to read this book ‘How to BE WELL When YOU’RE NOT Practices and Recipes to Maximise Health in Illness’ by CO survivor, author and chef, Ariane Resnick, CNC. Ariane also suffered from Lyme disease and then, when she’d got over this, she suffered from CO poisoning. I read an article about her, contacted her and she sent me a free book which was very kind. I found the book an interesting and helpful read. See