Jersey Maritime Safety Week features CO-Gas Safety competition and a new podcast highlighting CO dangers on boats

To mark Maritime Safety Week 2021, which was 5-10th July, Jersey Coastguard staff shared informative videos on the Ports of Jersey’s inaugural podcast channel. They featured three episodes highlighting maritime safety, including an interview with Jersey resident Margaret Jeffery – whose husband died of carbon-monoxide poisoning on board his boat in Jersey in 2017.  We were delighted that our own President, Stephanie Trotter, was also invited to contribute to this podcast, as well as Chris Robinson from Jersey Coastguard.

Margaret kindly supports CO-Gas Safety and allowed us to share his story as one of our case studies, which can be found here

The Ports of Jersey podcast can be found here:

Other Jersey Maritime Safety Week events included a two-day public roadshow to highlight a series of sea-safety messages.  the harbour authorities and many others in Jersey are also kindly featuring a competition that CO-Gas Safety have launched for Jersey Young People aged 5-18 years old, details of which can be found here

Carbon Monoxide Safe 4 Summer Campaign!

This is week three of the #CarbonMonoxideSafe4Summer campaign!


A special thank you to Barry Sheerman MP for launching the campaign and sharing excellent coverage!


Thank so much to all those who have been supporting us on social media. There has been some excellent campaign recognition this week, the APPCOG was delighted to see #CarbonMonoxideSafe4Summer supported by Visit England Biz, the National Care Association and various camping and tourist organisations. This is down to the hard work of all those sharing messages and taking part in supporting activities – let’s keep up the good work!


Please keep using the hashtag #CarbonMonoxideSafe4Summer and tagging @APPCOG_UK so we can maximise our impact.


You can download the full Asset Kit here:


*NB – on Twitter re-tweets help the campaign more than ‘likes’, this expands the reach of the post so we can engage with more people and organisations. If you are happy to re-tweet please do so!


Focus this week:


  1. CO risks: BBQs – safe use, both LPG and solid fuel
  2. Boat Safety


Dates to note:


25th National BBQ Week from 5 – 18 July (*please note revised date)


July is ‘Boating Safety Month’ with the National Carbon Monoxide Awareness Association @NCOAA


Key Assets:




Media since last week:


Barry Sheerman MP’s page, proudly launching the campaign:


Disney Star Olivia Rodrigo Recounts Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Experience:


Recent incidents

USA – Freeport: Four people hospitalised, a carbon monoxide detector found levels as high as 675 parts per million in one area of the hotel: “If you have a (carbon monoxide) emergency, that needs to be a 911 call”


USA – Cleveland: Two men and a boy died from carbon monoxide poisoning aboard a boat on Lake Erie Wednesday evening. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control says that gas-powered boats and larger vessels with generators pose a potential carbon monoxide threat to passengers if not carefully vented.


Stakeholder/other comms


The Federation of British Chimney Sweeps (FBCS) in association with APICS joins #CarbonMonoxideSafe4Summer campaign launch:


James the Sweep:


Camping & Caravanning Club:


Thank you all!


Canterbury Medical Practice Advice:


Summer CO Advice in Canada:







#NationalBBQWeek (also #NBQW #NBBQW) @NationalBBQWeek




#BoatingSafety @NCOAA




Last Week’s Top Tweet:

Safety Tips Poster:



IGEM CO Conference 09.06.21

SESSION 2 – 11:30 – 13:00 Stream 2 – Carbon Monoxide

Chair – Chris Bielby, Chair of Gas Safety Trust

GISGCO Alarms Enquiry Speaker Laura Fatah

The effect of CO exposure on pregnant women and the unborn child Speaker Hilary Wareing, Director, Improving Performance in Practice (iPiP)

The effect of CO exposure on older people Speaker Beth Cheshire, PhD Student, Faculty of Health and Medicine’s Centre4Ageing, Lancaster University

Title TBC Speaker Dr Julie Connolly, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Health, Liverpool John Moore’s University

Why testing for CO matters Speaker Stephanie Trotter OBE, President & Director of CO-Gas Safety

Stephanie will be adding the PPP she gave but meanwhile if you’d rather read it do email her and ask her to send it to you

Email is:-

For the whole session see Session 2B – Carbon Monoxide

Open air carbon monoxide poisoning on boats – not UK but please be warned


Northeast Ohio couple spreading awareness of boating dangers after losing son to carbon monoxide poisoning

Seven year old Afton Taylor died in 2019 after carbon monoxide poisoning on a routine boat trip: his parents want to warn others

Similar to:-

Boy, 9, poisoned by carbon monoxide before slipping into lake after sitting at back of family’s boat ‘for most of day’

By Brinkwire on September 23, 2020

There have been more than 140 similar fatalities since 2000, says a 2014 report.


Warning about danger from CO in BBQ huts

We have heard from a couple who were poisoned by CO in a BBQ hut they bought from a local plant nursery. The couple felt ill and later used a CO alarm with a digital read out which registered CO. We recommend that any BBQ should be used outdoors only.

Widow’s campaign highlights dangers of carbon monoxide

Huge thanks to Margaret Jeffery, Emma, journalist Rod & the Jersey Evening Post for this article.


Widow’s campaign highlights dangers of carbon monoxide

By Rod McLoughlin News Published: Less than an hour ago Last Updated: Less than an hour ago

THE widow of a man killed by carbon-monoxide poisoning has launched a campaign in Jersey schools to raise awareness of the dangers posed by the gas.

The scene of the incident in February 2017 which was attended by paramedics, police and the coastguard. Picture: ROB CURRIE. (30237318)

On the fourth anniversary of her husband Ken’s death, Margaret Jeffery has joined forces with UK charity CO-Gas Safety to warn primary school children of the dangers posed by carbon monoxide.

‘I thought that a good place to start would be educating children because, as a retired primary school teacher, I’m aware that children are very good at educating their parents and nagging them. A distribution company in the UK, Cadent Gas, has made a fantastic offer to extend their educational videos and activity packs to Jersey. It is a great offer and the kids would love them,’ she said.

Ken Jeffery died of carbon-monoxide poisoning on 16 February 2017 on board his boat in the Old Harbour, an accident which rocked the family.

‘It was totally devastating and the hardest thing to bear was that his death could so easily have been avoided had he and I been aware of the dangers of carbon-monoxide emissions. Sadly, we were not,’ Mrs Jeffery said.

Margaret Jeffery (right) and step daughter Emma Harrison (left) at the Old Harbour. Picture: ROB CURRIE. (30239382)

Following the accident, she gave interviews to the media in an effort to raise awareness of what she believes is a danger that is not widely appreciated by the public.

Mrs Jeffery has since been contacted by Stephanie Mrs Jeffery has since been contacted by Stephanie Trotter, president of the Carbon Monoxide and Gas Safety Society, a UK charity devoted to campaigning for greater awareness of the dangers of the gas and promoting the use of detectors which could save lives.

‘Stephanie put me in touch with Philip Burrows, who is the customer vulnerability programmes delivery manager at Cadent Gas in the UK. Although Jersey is not part of Cadent’s Network he has very generously offered our schools the opportunity to benefit from the exciting programmes which they have created. It is a free scheme so I think we are extremely fortunate and I would love to see our schools take up this offer,’ Mrs Jeffery said.

The resources were developed initially in UK classrooms by an arts worker who created a character called Safety Seymour, aimed at children from six to eight, who appears in a series of cartoons that highlight the dangers of carbon monoxide and the places it could be found in the home.

A series of films using actors presents a similar message to children aged ten and 11 which can be used in the classroom or by parents at home. The two presentations are available at and

Mrs Jeffery is now writing to all primary schools in the Island to ask them to show the films and provide information to their pupils. She hopes it will make something positive of her own experience.

‘I wanted to do something on Ken’s anniversary so that people reading something about it happening to an Islander – quite possibly someone they knew because a lot of people knew Ken – might take a bit more notice of this,’ Mrs Jeffery said.

Further coverage: page eight of today’s [16 February] JEP.

Lots of nice congratulations for the charity’s and my work anniversary

Lots of nice messages on Linked in for the work anniversary – 26 years of voluntary work pointing out that to avoid deaths and injuries from carbon monoxide (CO) people need to be informed about the dangers, research needs to be done and it is vital that those exposed can obtain a test of their gas appliances for carbon monoxide.This is so those poisoned get the proper medical treatment. Survivors tell us that not being believed by medics and family is even worse than the injuries they suffer for the rest of their lives.

Who’d have thought that an emergency service for an explosive gas and also a deadly gas, wouldn’t provide its personnel with training and equipment capable of testing for the deadly killer (CO), that can’t be sensed using human senses?

We pointed this out very soon after starting the charity in 1995. We, helped by lots of survivors, families and experts even convinced the HSE that this should be changed. In 2000 the HSC/E recommended a levy on the gas suppliers to raise awareness and for research and that the gas emergency service does use such equipment and test for carbon monoxide (CO). But these excellent recommendations have still not been implemented.

We’ve spent 26 years raising these issues while people have died and been injured.

Lack of testing means there is a lack of data. Catch 22. To prove CO; you have to prove CO.

What’s worse is that symptoms of CO are similar to those of any virus, including Covid-19. Yet still nothing is done. What’s happened to our government? What’s happened to the civil service?

We’ve written to the Minister for the HSE first asking for a meeting in May to discuss these issues and then again recently. Why are these safety issues ignored?

CO could be one explanation for poor outcomes from Covid-19 and/or long Covid.

Press Release Monday 25th January 2021

Carbon monoxide charity warns Covid-19 could be mistaken for the deadly gas as it receives £100,000 donation from victim’s family. 

A charity that seeks to reduce deaths and injuries from carbon monoxide poisoning has received a

£100,000 donation to help further its work supporting victims and preventing future tragedies. 

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a deadly gas that can be emitted from faulty cooking and heating appliances powered by any carbon based fuels such as gas, coal, wood, oil, petrol, or diesel. CO is odourless, colourless and can’t be detected by any human senses.

With people spending more time inside their homes because of Covid-19 there are concerns that symptoms of CO poisoning could be mistaken for the virus.  Less than 2% of CO in the air can kill in between one and three minutes. At this time of the year there is a raised risk from carbon monoxide as people close their windows and seal their doors to keep out the damp and cold trapping the deadly gas inside their homes.

This is the twenty sixth anniversary of the founding of the charity, CO-Gas Safety. Since its formation the charity has battled to raise the awareness of the dangers from Carbon Monoxide and to help victims and their families.

The family donating the money to the charity lost a loved one as a result of carbon monoxide poisoning. They wish to remain anonymous.

Stephanie Trotter, OBE, President & Director of CO-Gas Safety said, ‘’We are extremely grateful for this donation. This generous gift will enable the charity to continue its work to prevent future deaths.

“We collect and analyse deaths and injuries to find out what went wrong so we can learn how to improve the system. We seem also to be the only provider of specific, free and confidential help and advice for families and survivors of CO.

‘’There needs to be far greater awareness of the dangers of carbon monoxide. This must be coupled with good installation, regular & better maintenance, more rigorous chimney and flue sweeping and checking, adequate ventilation, better training of engineers with greater attention to the job and CO alarms to EN 50291 standards bought direct from the supplier & set up.  All of these actions would have saved all those we know about who have died from unintentional CO poisoning.

‘’We have also been blessed with other donations in the past year to help us continue with our work.

‘‘However, we have always strived to make ourselves redundant and our main aim has always been prevention. Why does the government refuse our requests to implement recommendations made by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in 2000 to prevent deaths and injuries from CO?

“Why are we unable to even see the Ministers involved? The reason given is the reduction in deaths. But as there is no automatic test on death how do we know? 

“Baroness Finlay recommended that there should be automatic testing on dead bodies in 2011. So why hasn’t this been implemented?”

CO-Gas Safety has lobbied since 1995 for:-

  1. Raised awareness of the dangers of CO and research into how to prevent it.
  2. The gas emergency service to use equipment to test gas appliances for CO.

Stephanie said, ‘‘It’s not just the deaths we are concerned about. We are also extremely worried about exposure to CO which can cause nerve and brain damage and many other injuries. The main problem is the lack of recognition by the medics of CO poisoning.  This is mainly due to the lack of proof of emissions from appliances, such as cookers and boilers.”

Sue Westwood is a survivor and trustee of the charity. Sue said ‘‘I was exposed to CO because my flue wasn’t attached by the installer. I was lucky enough to survive – but the medics knew little about CO and accused me of taking cocaine!

The gas emergency service does not test gas appliances for CO. Fresh air quickly leaves the blood and breath of a survivor so even if medics test the person for CO any samples often produce a dangerous false negative. It is almost impossible and costly to find anyone to test the air or appliances for CO.

‘‘The system makes proof of CO almost impossible. So medical staff tend to assume CO is rare. It’s Catch 22; to prove CO you have to prove CO.”

Sue’s one minute film tells her story see

Stephanie said, ‘’Sue Westwood had Covid-19 and now has long Covid. Could CO help to explain long Covid? Perhaps those already exposed to CO do not recover as well?  Could survivors of Covid return from hospital to homes polluted by CO and then suffer from long Covid? Perhaps those weakened by exposure to CO are more likely to die of Covid?”

Paul Overton is another CO survivor and whose eleven-year-old step daughter, Katie died from carbon monoxide poisoning. He said, ‘’The Health & Safety Executive recommended these steps over twenty years ago but neither government nor industry has implemented them. Yet they are even more important now because symptoms of CO are similar to those of any virus, including Covid-19.

Why is there no action?”

To find out how to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning please visit

Demand for maintenance for gas appliances has fallen by 34% in the pandemic so please get your appliances serviced.

Note to Editors:-  

Stephanie Trotter, Sue Westwood and Paul Overton are all available for TV/Radio/ Media interviews. For their contact details please telephone Stephanie on:- 

Tel. 01983 564516

Mobile: 07803 088688


Stephanie has run the CO-Gas Safety since 1995 helped by other directors who are mainly survivors and families.



Competition about CO for school pupils!

Our humble CO awareness poster competition for school pupils, taken over by the GDNs (much to my joy and relief) has morphed into online resources!

Since the success of Safety Seymour and the subsequent launch of the website back in Lockdown 1 we have been working tirelessly to get the new school program aimed at KS2 up and running and on its very own website!  CO Crew went live last week, and we are seeing some great interest in it already with schools wanting to book live sessions when they reopen.  We have designed the packages so that it can be used now to support home schooling and provide a great resource for Parents, Teachers and Children during these challenging times.

Aimed at years 5 and 6, The CO Crew are on a mission to recruit members to help them protect themselves and their homes from carbon monoxide (CO) and help spread the word about carbon monoxide?

Phil Burrows of Cadent ask for support and help in sharing the new CO Crew website as well as reminding people of safety Seymour through your channels and contacts. We have adapted the teacher sessions by offering lesson plans, videos and audio material, teachers just need to register their interest and we will do the rest

Here are the websites:

Stephanie Trotter says, ‘It’s brilliant news! Congratulations and many thanks to all who helped with this and particularly to John O’Leary who did so much fabulous work originally and to Phil Burrows who has taken it to the next stage.’