
Poster Competition: Sponsorship

A Big Thank You to the Sponsors of our Competition and those who have helped us through the year.

Scotia Gas Networks, which is very kindly sponsoring the 2013-14 competition for Scotland and the South. SGN also kindly paid for our advertorial for the 2012-13 competition in First News.

Southern and Scotland Gas Networks

Wales & West Utilities which is kindly sponsoring the 2013-14 competition in Wales.

Wales & West Utilities

Northern Gas Networks which is kindly sponsoring the North of England for 2013-14.

Northern Gas Networks

National Grid which is kindly sponsoring the 2013-14 competition for the first time and paying for the House of Lords tea.

National Grid

Honeywell which has again kindly supplied us with alarms to EN 50291 this year.


British Gas which has sponsored our badges for the  prize giving in 2014.

Also thank you to those who have generously given to us throughout our 19 years in particular:-

The Guild of Master Sweeps, who generously gave us a donation last year.

Roland Johns, who has worked so hard to put the course for aspiring registered gas installers together

John O’Leary, who made the course possible by drawing more pictures for the course.

BPEC – which has certificated our course about CO for aspiring registered gas installers

Danielle Royce & Cerys Canning – who have helped with this event.

Kane International – which has kept us going generally.
