Take part in Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week 2022!

Huge thanks to the All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group and particularly to Laura Fatah and Rob Lyons for all their hard work in creating this campaign.

Information about how you can take part can be found here: https://www.coalarmssavelives.com/take-part

Get the campaign kit:  https://www.coalarmssavelives.com/download-campaign-asset-kit

Assets included:

  • Logos
  • Web and Social Banner
  • Printable A4 Poster/Flyer
  • Individual kits for Day-by-day Social Posts and Stories


Carbon monoxide detector sold at Amazon doesn’t work, agency warns


Carbon monoxide detector sold at Amazon doesn’t work, agency warns

  • Published: Sep. 27, 2022, 10:53 a.m.

HECOPRO digital carbon monoxide detectors were tested, and it was found that they did not alert when exposed to harmful levels of carbon monoxide, in violation of safety standards. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission is advising consumers to dispose of the product and purchase a working CO detector.U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission

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By Annalise Knudson | aknudson@siadvance.com

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. —The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is warning consumers to not use a carbon monoxide detector sold at Amazon, because it doesn’t work.

There is a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning from the use of HECOPRO digital display carbon monoxide (CO) detectors, which can fail to alert consumers to the presence of carbon monoxide.

More than 150 people in the United States die every year from accidental, non-fire-related CO poisoning associated with consumer products, according to CPSC.

The issue was discovered after carbon monoxide sensitivity tests performed on the detector found that it failed to alert when exposed to pre-determined concentrations of carbon monoxide (400 ppm), in violation of relevant safety standards.

“If a consumer installs a CO detector that does not alert to the presence of carbon monoxide, and carbon monoxide enters the home, the consumer will not be warned of the presence of this harmful gas, making injury or death very likely,” said the CPSC.

The detector is made of white plastic, with approximate dimensions of 4.1 x 1.8 x 4.1 inches, featuring a digital display. It is generally advertised to detect dangerous levels of carbon monoxide and alert with a flashing red LED and a loud alarm pattern.

The product was sold on Amazon.com under ASIN B07T66J7KJ for between $9 and $13.

The CPSC urges consumers not to purchase or sell these CO detectors and to stop using these and dispose of these products immediately, and install new, working CO detectors.

Consumers can report a dangerous product or a product-related injury on www.SaferProducts.gov.

The agency also reminds consumers that they should install carbon monoxide alarms on each level of their home and outside separate sleeping areas. CO alarms should be battery-operated or have battery backup. Test CO alarms frequently and replace dead batteries.

Which? warns about potential gas oven grill risks 27.09.22

As a safety notice is issued for a selection of Belling, Stoves and New World gas cookers, Which? highlights the risks posed by using gas cooking appliances incorrectly


Helena Senner

Following a recent safety notice issued by the Office for Product Safety & Standards (OPSS), Which? reminds gas grill owners that they should always follow the guidance given in their appliance’s instruction manual to avoid potential harm.

The safety notice identified 127 gas range cookers with gas grills from brand names Belling, Stoves and New World that present ‘a significant risk to health and death’, if used with the grill door closed. The OPSS is requiring the withdrawal of these products from the market which means they should be removed from sale and retailers must stop advertising them.

See all our range cooker reviews to find a product that you can rely on.

Which Belling, Stoves and New World gas range cooker models are affected by the OPPS safety notice?

Some 66,010 range cookers were manufactured and a variety of models have been purchased between 2010 and 2022, in sizes 90cm, 100cm and 110cm. The model numbers are all listed on a Product Safety Report by the OPSS


The serial number of these appliances consists of numbers and letters but may also include characters such as a dash or slash. You can locate the serial number of your cooker on the data plate at the front edge of the main oven and at the back of the cooker.

The cookers, all manufactured by Glen Dimplex Home Appliance Ltd, must only be used with the grill door fully open, in accordance with the advice in their instruction manuals. The gas hob and oven are not included in the safety alert as it only relates to operating the grill.

You can read the full, relevant safety notices on the manufacturers’ websites for Belling

, Stoves and New World


Why should the grills on these gas range cookers not be used with the door closed?

In the case of the Belling, Stoves and New World gas cookers named in the links above, it’s particularly important to use the grill with the door open, as stated in the instruction manual, because carbon monoxide can build up inside if it is closed. Carbon monoxide is a clear, odourless gas that is dangerous to breathe in, potentially causing harm or death.

See more advice on the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning.

What to do if you own an affected gas range cooker

You don’t need to take any action, as long as you are using your cooker correctly. A spokesperson for Glen Dimplex Home Appliances Ltd said: ‘There is nothing wrong with the product if used correctly; with the grill door open, as detailed in the instruction manual. If used incorrectly i.e. with the grill door closed, there is potential risk of carbon monoxide build up which can cause serious injury or death.’

If you have further concerns or need additional safety information regarding your cooker you should contact Glen Dimplex Home Appliances Ltd by phone on 0800 110 5728 Monday-Friday 9am-8pm, or by emailing consumersupport@glendimplex.com 

Gas cooker safety advice from Which?

Most electric cookers can be used with the door closed, but this isn’t the case for gas grills and that’s why it is essential that you check the user manual to make sure of the guidance for your specific appliance. 

It is also important that you don’t use your grill as an oven, a space heater or for any other purpose than it is intended.

If you have a fuel (gas, LPG, oil or wood) burning boiler, fire or stove, you should have a carbon monoxide detector in every room where fuel is burned. They cost from less than £10 to over £25 but we have found that safe, reliable versions can be found for around £20.

 CO-Gas Safety comments

We reported on this issue in our News in August 2022.

It’s ironic that although CO alarms are to be compulsory in all rented property with appliances powered by carbon based fuels EXCEPT gas cookers. This means that an all electric property rented out but with a gas cooker would NOT have to have a CO alarm.


New Case study

Huge thanks to Naila Mansour and her family for this new case study see see https://www.co-gassafety.co.uk/case-studies/non-fatal/ It’s second down as we put case studies in the chronological order they happened.

We are hugely grateful to Naila and her family. Thank you.

Fuel Bank Foundation

Please view this report – we find it appalling.


Week 7 of the All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Summer Campaign

This is the final week of the APPCOG summer carbon monoxide campaign.

The bank holiday is coming up so we ask you to take special care with regard to BBQs, gas lights (e.g. in tents or boats) and exhaust fumes from cars, lorries etc. and particularly from generators. Don’t ever allow fumes from generators to spill into tents – we’ve recorded a death from that.

Please don’t put a used BBQ in a tent to ‘tidy up’ or prevent tripping. It may look out and be cold to the touch at the top but there may be embers still active inside. We’ve recorded a death and serious injury from that. Try to find some way of disposing of it safely. We suggest putting it in a bowl and damping it down with water to make sure it’s completely out but even then, be careful disposal doesn’t cause any problems. 

Lastly, if you haven’t already done so, please arrange a maintenance visit for your carbon fuelled appliances e.g. gas boiler, cooker, fire etc. With gas the engineer must by law by Gas Safe Registered. Check the engineer on the Gas Safe Register. See https://www.gassaferegister.co.uk/

Please have chimneys & flues swept and checked.

Ensure adequate ventilation to make sure that there is enough oxygen at the flame to prevent carbon monoxide in the first place.

Well maintained appliances with clean and clear flues are not only safer but are more energy efficient.

As an extra safeguard, please buy a Carbon Monoxide (CO) Alarm to EN or BS 50291. Please get it out of the box and read the instructions about how to get it going and where to put it. Battery ones are easy to set up and last about 10 years. We recommend ones with sealed batteries so you are not tempted to take them out and give them to someone who needs a battery and then forget to replace them. 

If your CO alarm alarms with a loud noise similar to a smoke alarm, please DON’T IGNORE IT. CO alarms are set to alarm at a level you should not ignore – please get out of the house and ring the gas emergency number 0800 111999. The gas emergency service doesn’t test the air or appliances for CO as standard (although Cadent has undertaken about 300 investigations into CO for vulnerable customers) but they will turn off the gas, open the windows and doors  (if you haven’t already done so) and make sure you are safe.

We hope you’ve had a great summer but we want you to have a safe and healthy autumn and winter too.

Safety Warning issued 15.08.22 by the Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS) (part of BEIS) on the use of gas grills on certain Belling, Stoves and New World gas range cookers manufactured by Glen Dimplex Home Appliances (GDHA).

Email from Laura Fatah, Manager of APPCOG on 16.08.22

I am sorry to report that a safety warning was issued yesterday by the Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS) (part of BEIS) on the use of gas grills on certain Belling, Stoves and New World gas range cookers manufactured by Glen Dimplex Home Appliances (GDHA).


If the gas grill is used with the door closed there is a risk that dangerous levels of carbon monoxide can build up, posing a risk of serious injury or death to those within the immediate environment.


Please do share this warning with your networks, more information is available in the full warning statement and there is also a press release.


The APPCOG has posted this tweet.


Thank you for your attention on this urgent matter.


Week 6 of the All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Summer Campaign

The Focus for Week 6 is accessing support, this is particularly pressing with the cost of living crisis and the energy bills increase that has been in the media these last few weeks. Brief notes below, more to follow on Monday!


Key webpages to link to:


Week 6: Support for households: GDNs, PSR, 0800 111 999 15 – 21 August


  • Gas emergency: “Get outside and call 0800 11199 in a carbon monoxide emergency” – Feed & Story
  • Evacuate the property immediately if you suspect carbon monoxide – Feed & Story
  • Extra Help – Feed and Story
  • Don’t ignore your alarm if it goes off – Feed & Story
  • Liz Twist MP quote
  • Baroness Finlay quote 0800 111 999



Don’t ignore your alarm/suspicion of carbon monoxide

Free help is available



  • Engage with support
  • Know what to do in an emergency 



#COAlarmsSaveLives #CarbonMonoxide

#Emergency #UsefulNumbers #Heating #Bills #FuelPoverty

#CostofLiving #Energy


Key external accounts


GDNs! Tag your local provider


Citizens Advice

Twitter: @CitizensAdvice https://twitter.com/CitizensAdvice

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CitizensAdvice

Insta: https://www.instagram.com/citizens.advice


National Energy Action

Twitter: @NEA_UKCharity https://twitter.com/NEA_UKCharity

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Nationalenergyaction

Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/company/national-energy-action/

Insta: https://www.instagram.com/nea_ukcharity


APPG Fuel Poverty & Energy Efficiency

Twitter: @fpeeg https://twitter.com/fpeeg



Twitter: @H_S_E https://twitter.com/H_S_E


National Grid

Twitter: @nationalgriduk https://twitter.com/nationalgriduk


Week 5 of the All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Summer Campaign

Quick Support Actions:

  1. Like and re-tweet Barry’s opening message for week 5
  2. Follow UKHSA
  3. Print and display the campaign poster (attached) – take a selfie to share! Bonus points if you can put the poster up in a busy area, and even more if you can talk to someone about it.
  4. Think of some one you know from a vulnerable group (vulnerable groups: pregnant women, children and babies, the elderly and those with respiratory conditions) and send them a message to tell them about the new alarm laws and make sure they are protected.


Highlights last week


From Monday, Week 5 will focus on vulnerable groups: pregnant women, children and babies, the elderly and those with respiratory conditions. In addition, we have included an asset for homeowners and another video, this time aimed at those living in Scotland. Both these new assets are included in the weekly download: Download Campaign Asset Kit — Carbon Monoxide: Alarms Save Lives (coalarmssavelives.com)


  • Please tag @UKHSA in your posts – the tweet shared by UKHSA in CO Awareness Week (last November) generated over a million impressions, it would be amazing if we could support them to recognise the campaign this summer!


Week 5: Harm from carbon monoxide and vulnerable people and high-risk places 8 – 14 August

Assets (14)

  • Pregnant women are at risk of carbon monoxide poisoning – Feed & Story
  • Babies and young children are at risk of carbon monoxide poisoning – Feed & Story
  • The elderly are at risk of carbon monoxide poisoning – Feed & Story
  • People with respiratory problems are at risk of carbon monoxide poisoning – Feed & Story
  • Landlords have a responsibility to make sure tenants are carbon monoxide safe – Feed & Story
  • Homeowners should have carbon monoxide alarms too – Feed & Story
  • UGC for Scotland – all homes need alarms – Feed & Story


More on webpage: About Carbon Monoxide — Carbon Monoxide: Alarms Save Lives (coalarmssavelives.com)



Some groups are more sensitive to carbon monoxide

Carbon monoxide is a poison that is toxic to the body, not only a killer

Homeowners need to be protected as well – don’t get left behind


Call To Action

  • Take extra precautions for high-risk people
  • Know your rights
  • Don’t be left behind if you are a homeowner



#COAlarmsSaveLives #CarbonMonoxide

#Pregnancy #Babies #Family #Children #IndoorAirQuality #CleanAir #HealthyHome #OAP #Breathe #Co-morbidity

#Landlord #Homeowner #Property


Key external accounts



UKHSA (UK Health Security Agency)

Twitter: @UKHSA https://twitter.com/UKHSA

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/uk-health-security-agency/


Age UK

Twitter: @age_uk https://twitter.com/age_uk

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ageuk

Insta: https://instagram.com/age_uk

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/ageuktv


Clean School Air

Twitter: @CleanSchoolAir https://twitter.com/CleanSchoolAir


Mums For Lungs

Twitter: @MumsForLungs Mums For Lungs (@MumsForLungs) / Twitter

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MumsforLungs/

Insta: https://www.instagram.com/mumsforlungs/


Royal College Obstetricians and Gynae (RCOG)

Twitter: @RCObsGyn https://twitter.com/rcobsgyn

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RCObsGyn

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/royal-college-of-obstetricians-and-gynaecologists/

Insta: https://www.instagram.com/rcobsgyn/


Royal College of Midwives

Twitter: @MidwivesRCM https://twitter.com/MidwivesRCM

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MidwivesRCM/

Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-royal-college-of-midwives/



Twitter: @HeadwayUK https://twitter.com/headwayuk

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/headwayuk

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/headwayuk