HSE alert – Exposure to diacetyl vapour in food and drink manufacture

CO-Gas Safety quick summary – Exposure to diacetyl vapour in food and drink manufacture – controlling this will also control CO. 

This vapour is created when roasting coffee beans, particularly grinding them when the beans are still hot.


Exposure to diacetyl vapour in food and drink manufacture

Health and Safety Executive – Safety alert

Department name: Engagement and Policy Division

Bulletin number: EPD01-2023

Issue date: 01/23

Target audience: Employers, and the self-employed, in food and drink manufacture who use diacetyl. 


Exposure to vapour from diacetyl, often used as a flavouring and a by-product of coffee roasting, can lead to severe and irreversible lung disease. Even if diacetyl is present at low concentrations within mixtures or flavourings, exposure to its vapour may be above safe workplace exposure limits (WELs).

Outline of the problem

HSE scientific studies show that heating diacetyl above certain temperatures significantly increases airborne concentrations and the potential for exposures above safe workplace limits.

Risk in coffee manufacture

Exposure levels during bean roasting and grinding can exceed WELs. The amount of diacetyl generated naturally during bean grinding is temperature dependent.  Concentrations are significantly greater if the roasted beans are ground when still warm (around 400C) and reduced if the beans are cooled between roasting and grinding down to room temp (around 16-20C).

Risk in flavour manufacture 

Airborne concentrations and the potential for exposures above safe workplace limits is significantly increased if flavour mixtures containing diacetyl, even at low concentrations (below 5%) are heated, added to hot processes or spray dried.

Risk of exposure can occur during

  • opening of diacetyl or flavouring containers
  • decanting and weighing
  • mixing
  • spray drying to produce powdered mixtures 
  • packaging
  • cleaning of vessels or spillages        

Hazardous substance workplace exposure limit (WEL)   

Diacetyl (CAS: 431-03-8), also known as 2,3-butanedione, is a naturally occurring organic compound but is also manufactured synthetically. Diacetyl vapour can be generated as a by-product during the roasting and grinding of coffee beans and may also be present during brewing of some beers. Synthetic diacetyl is classified as a hazardous substance. It is toxic if inhaled, can cause skin irritation and eye damage by contact and harmful if swallowed.

WELs for diacetyl were published in EH40/2005 Workplace Exposure Limits. Limits are at 20 parts per billion (ppb) or 0.02 parts per million (ppm) over an 8-hr time weighted average (TWA) and 100 ppb or 0.10 ppm over a 15-min TWA period. Suppliers’ safety data sheets for diacetyl or for mixtures containing diacetyl should list these WELs.  the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002 (as amended) require employers to ensure work-related exposure is assessed, prevented or adequately controlled so that it is below the WELs.

Action required

Assess the risk

If your processes include the use of diacetyl, food flavourings that contain diacetyl, or are likely to produce diacetyl, then you must carry-out a risk assessment. Your risk assessment will help you to identify the hazards associated with the potential for exposure, understand who might be harmed and how, evaluate the risks and decide on precautions.

Check the safety data sheet

If diacetyl is not mentioned on a safety data sheet for food flavourings (which are likely to contain it) you should contact the supplier to confirm if it is present or not


If there is a potential for diacetyl exposure use sampling and analysis to verify whether exposure is likely to be above the WEL.


Substitute to a safer alternative product.  Substitutes should not contain compounds similar to diacetyl such as 2,3-pentanedione. 

Control risk of exposure

If substitution is not a viable option (for example if diacetyl is a natural by-product), then strict controls must be implemented:

  1. Keep the flavouring at a low temperature (below 4°C) as this will significantly reduce vaporisation
  2. Enclose the process and use extraction, to control diacetyl vapour emissions at source
  3. For coffee manufacture, cool the coffee beans (to at least below 20ºC) pre-grind.
  4. For diacetyl flavouring manufacture and use, add the flavouring at the last stage of production and via an enclosed or automated system
  5. Where the above controls do not reduce exposure below the WEL, you should consider providing suitable personal protective equipment (PPE), including suitable respiratory protection equipment (RPE).

Health surveillance

If there is a reasonable likelihood that workers may be harmed by diacetyl you must introduce a health surveillance programme. Your risk assessment will help you decide if this is required. A health surveillance programme should be devised in consultation with an occupational health provider.

Carbon Monoxide (CO)

Carbon monoxide is also known to be a by-product in coffee processing. Control of diacetyl through enclosure and extraction will also help control CO emission. HSE recommends that as part of a risk assessment process, you carry out sampling to establish whether any further controls for CO might be necessary.


Relevant legal documents





Dear friend

Over the last 40 years, INQUEST has stood alongside thousands of families whose loved ones have died at the hands of the state as they demand truth, justice and accountability.

We are facing funding challenges at a time when the demand for our work has never been greater.  As we witness the impact of austerity and erosion of human rights, our work holding the state and authorities accountable when they fail in their duty of care is as important as ever.

Today, we’re launching our fundraising appeal to raise £40,000 so we can continue our vital work. Donate today and show bereaved families that they are not alone in their fight for truth, justice and accountability.

Together we can put an end to state related deaths and the unjust systems which enable them.


With gratitude,
Deborah Coles and the whole team at INQUEST

P.S. We know not everyone can help with a donation just now. Can you share our posts on social media to help spread the word? Find our posts on TwitterFacebook and Instagram, or send the campaign page to a friend.

Saturday 3rd December – UN International Day for Persons with Disabilities.


ONS blog

2 December 2022

What have we learned about the experience of disabled people?

22% of people in the UK are disabled

Tomorrow (3 December) is the UN International Day for Persons with Disabilities.  With the most recent estimates from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) putting the proportion of disabled people in the UK at 22% in 2021 (up from 19% a decade ago), this is a sizeable and very diverse group. Here, Helen Colvin and Josephine Foubert from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) look at some of the work we have been doing recently to give insight into the lives of disabled children and adults.

I found this shocking but perhaps unsurprising.  Reminded me of the first time I travelled up to Waterloo by train with my new baby – I looked round and realised about 50% of people were  elderly, ill, on crutches, a wheel chair user, carrying or dealing with heavy luggage or were pushing prams or push chairs. What they all had in common was the need for level surfaces and ramps.

Read the blog

CO Awareness Week Saturday 26th November 2022


Priority Services Register video


Find my GDN video

Support for households is available:

Help & Support — Carbon Monoxide: Alarms Save Lives (coalarmssavelives.com)







CO Awareness Week Friday 25th November 2022


Cooking video


Factsheet – Do’s and Don’ts


Without fresh air, carbon monoxide can build up

  • Ventilate when cooking
  • Never block vents or air bricks
  • Open windows when vehicle traffic is low
  • Keep flues clear

Campaign homepage: Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week 2022 — Carbon Monoxide: Alarms Save Lives (coalarmssavelives.com)


Ventil8 Day: Facts & Resources (worldventil8day.com)


OPSS Gas Cooker warning: OPSS intervenes on dangerous Glen Dimplex gas cookers – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week – Thursday 24.11.22



Additional #s


Alarm video clip


One page alarm guide

Getting the most out of your carbon monoxide alarm

  • Test regularly
  • Note expiry date
  • Save the Gas Emergency number
  • Familiarise yourself with the alarm sounds
  • Read the manual

Campaign Alarms Page


Policy Connect’s latest analysis: How does the UK measure up on carbon monoxide safety? A European analysis | Policy Connect


Safelincs sell a wide range of CO alarms: Carbon Monoxide Alarms (CO Detectors) – Safelincs

Use code COAW10 for a 10% discount on specific alarm










Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week Wednesday 23rd November 2023

Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week 2022: Wednesday

#COAW    #CarbonMonoxide  

Actions for today:

  • Like new MP supporter Jane Hunt’s post supporting COAW
  • Book in your appliance servicing if you still need to get it done this year, and remind your family and friends to do the same
  • Create an informative post using the info, assets and #s below
  • Keep an eye out for media updates – coming soon!



Additional #s


Cutting corners video


Cutting corners stills


Factsheet: Home Safety

“Cutting corners costs lives” – saving on safety can have fatal consequences when it comes to carbon monoxide:

  • Never use outdoor cooking or heating equipment inside
  • Do not use your cooker to heat your home
  • Always use a qualified professional to install and maintain appliances
  • Appliances should be serviced every year
  • Never DIY with gas Don’t DIY with gas (hse.gov.uk)
  • Burn the right solid fuel Fuels – Woodsure

Campaign home page: Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week 2022 — Carbon Monoxide: Alarms Save Lives (coalarmssavelives.com)


Find my GDN: Find My GDN













Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week 2022: Tuesday

From APPCOG The All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group

#COAW    #CarbonMonoxide

Today’s Actions:




Additional #s


Symptoms video

Symptoms stills

Symptoms factsheet


Symptoms of poisoning – get to know the signs so you can spot danger:







#Doctor #GP


