HHIC specifying maximum amount of CO

When a manufacturer has not specified the maximum amount of CO in the flue of a condensing boiler, the HHIC states that the maximum amount of CO must not be more than 350 PPM (Parts Per Million) and the Combustion Ratio is less than or equal to 0.0040.

We would be most interested to receive comments about this (do email office@co-gassafety.co.uk).. CO-Gas Safety considers that this is a retrograde step and that a maximum of 200 PPM of CO is achievable by most manufacturers immediately and a lower amount should be possible soon.

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£75,000 Fine for Carbon Monoxide Death

A builder whose work on his elderly neighbours’ home contributed to their deaths from carbon monoxide poisoning has failed to persuade the Court of Appeal that his £75,000 fine was excessive. The court ruled that a substantial fine was necessary to underline the gravity of such offences.

Mohammed Jamil had been contracted to carry out work on the garage roof at the home of Donald and Rosetta O’Sullivan. In performing the task, he partially enclosed the flue of a gas boiler leaving it in an unsafe condition. That, combined with loose screws in the boiler itself and a faulty metal flue lining, led to lethal gasses feeding back into the couple’s home.  The bodies of Mr and Mrs O’Sullivan, who were aged in their seventies, were found at their home in April 2009.

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House of Lords Event

Very successful event at the House of Lords on the 22nd January to present the prizes of our schools poster competition and to reveal our latest data. Over 90 people attended despite snowy weather and the charity is very grateful for this support. See more on our website under ‘competition’, ‘winners’ and ‘speeches’.

Interesting new article about data on unintentional deaths and injuries from CO

See http://www.straightstatistics.org/article/carbon-monoxide-killer-no-official-record for an examination of the Gas Safety Trust’s statistics versus CO-Gas Safety’s data.

Staight Statistics

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Carbon Monoxide: the killer with no official record

Tags: ONS, HSE, energy, deaths, accidents

Several papers yesterday headlined claims that accidental deaths from carbon monoxide poisoning rose sharply in the 12 months to the end of June 2011.

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