Poem about CO by Samuel Spence

Death and CO

Upstairs, a family of four lay in their beds. Quiet filled the house.

For a long time the killer had patiently waited. Now, downstairs in their kitchen- silent murder was food for thought. He was sure to be never caught.

Like a vapour he slid under the kitchen doorway. Running cold dirty fingers against the walls always. His trade mark black marks. In the darkness of the hallway- he encountered red blinking eyes. Restless and alert -it was the smoke detector ready set to scream, protecting sleeping families.

The pair of eyes could only watch Paralysed, as the killer creeps up the stairs. He was in his element here.

Blink twice and he’s missed. The invisible criminal.

Often socially mistaken he’s tasteless.

Normally exhausted- fatigue always reported.

NHS caution: nausea, dizziness, distortion.


Like a sarcophagus mummys coughing in her sleep

Daddy is lethargic, can hardly move his feet

Children choke, like respiratory disease

Boiler’s yellow flame means combustion incomplete

Something must be wrong when the canary doesn’t tweet.


Carbon monoxide concentration is sending you to sleep.


By Samuel Spence

About the author

My name is Samuel Spence and I attend Dartford grammar sixth form. I enjoy short stories, spoken word and rap. I was emotionally moved when I heard about the carbon monoxide poisoning that occurred at Thomas Cooke earlier this year (note by Stephanie – deaths occured in 2006 but the inquest was in 2015), and I felt a compulsion to respond in a creative manner that could help raise awareness. The piece of work that I have attached is the result. I have tried my best to convey a sense of peril and a chilling reminder about the ‘silent killer’.

Thank you Samuel.


Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Alarm Regulations 2015

The Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm Regulations 2015 are through and came into force on the 1st October 2015. Please see Hansard http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld201516/ldhansrd/lhan43.pdf from page 1720 to the end.

We supported these regulations (because we support anything that will save lives) but they will only affect  ‘354,000 Private Rented properties with solid fuel, or 8.6% of the total.’. However, we think the comments by the Lords, particularly those by Lord Hunt and Lord McKenzie are helpful as was the personal experience of one the friends of Earl Cathcart.

Substantial donation

As was reported on Sky by Neil Shepherd, father of Christi and Bobby, the children who died of CO in 2006 in Corfu, there were substantial donations made to several charities including independent registered charity CO-Gas Safety.
CO-Gas Safety is extremely grateful for this valuable donation to assist the charity to continue its work of preventing deaths and injuries from unintentional CO poisoning.
However, the amount of the donation although extremely welcome is not life changing for the charity, which will continue to do its work in a similar way. CO-Gas Safety still has no assured, continuous funding to collect, collate and publish data and provide victim support which it has done since 1995. Therefore all the work, apart from a small amount of paid work by our database officer, will still be done by volunteers. The charity’s directors are still considering the best use for these funds but the initial decision is to simply continue to do what the charity has always done.

How victims of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning can find information to help them

I’ve heard that nearly 50,000 people are searching for the term Carbon Monoxide Poisoning every month. This came from Google so is all over the world. However, CO-Gas Safety doesn’t come up when you type Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in to Google. The trick apparently is to keep repeating Carbon Monoxide Poisoning on the website so please forgive me for repeating this on different parts of our website! CO victim Sue Westwood-Ruttledge kindly told me about this and another victim told me she had taken ages finding our website because it didn’t come up under carbon monoxide poisoning so I’m trying to add lots of references to carbon monoxide poisoning.

Carbon monoxide poisoning

I’ve heard that nearly 50,000 people are searching for the term Carbon Monoxide Poisoning every month. This came from Google so is all over the world. However, CO-Gas Safety doesn’t come up when you type Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in to Google. The trick apparently is to keep repeating Carbon Monoxide Poisoning on the website so please forgive me for repeating this!

Gas Safe Register’s Gas Safety Week 14th to 20th September 2015

We’ve pledged the support of CO-Gas Safety to Gas Safety Week.

We would like support for our call for prime time TV warnings of the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning from all fuels, (gas to wood), all appliances (boilers to barbecues) and all types of accommodation (bungalows to boats).

If you agree please write to Stephanie office@co-gassafety.co.uk Thank you.

Hurrah! At last! Gas Industry Unsafe Situations Procedure

A major change to the Gas Industry Unsafe Situations Procedure (GIUSP) came into effect in July. A single message of “Danger Do Not Use”, irrespective of either an “At Risk” (AR) or “Immediately Dangerous” (ID) classification being applied, is aimed at helping customers understand when appliances must not be used. Version 7 of GIUSP became current on 1 July 2015, but Gas Safe Register recognises that registered businesses/engineers will need time to revise their processes, procedures and documentation and carry out necessary internal update training. Therefore, Gas Safe Register will inspect to this version of the Procedure from 1 July 2016, so providing a 12-month lead-in period (businesses are encouraged to adopt the revised procedure as soon as possible).  The full text of the revised procedure can be downloaded from Gas Safe Register’s website.

Comments from a victim who survived.

My choices would be as follows:

1. The egg – I could relate to this one and it spoke to me in many ways – for me the message was that the acute poisoning leaves you brain dead/mindless and incapable of thinking at all (before it kills you) or in the case of chronic exposure that doesn’t kill you, you are left confused, dazed etc etc (I cant quite find the right word/s to aptly describe the process of spiralling down to near nothingness ). After constant exposure and post exposure (when your mind slowly starts to return) you are left with a single track mind at best ,where dual-tasking is something you have to relearn – for me, with the way things are at the moment, I cant imagine ever being able to multitask as I used to.

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