Attended opening of Kane’s new factory 04.11.16

Great day. Met many interesting people. Superb new premises.

Was introducted to the Secretary of State Greg Clark MP. Wasted no time in telling him about the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning although to do him justice, I think he already knew. I told him that we had lobbied for prime time TV warnings about carbon monoxide.

Corgi Homeplan Supports Call By GPs


British GPs have called for a £170 piece of equipment to be made mandatory in surgeries – with more than 90 per cent saying that breath testing devices will save lives.

With an average of 50 people dying from carbon monoxide poisoning each year, and 1,800 people attending hospital with CO poisoning symptoms in 2015, the nation’s front line medical professionals have recognised the need for speedier diagnosis of the ‘silent killer’.

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Please sign petition for prime time TV warnings about CO


PLEASE SIGN OUR PETITION for prime time TV warnings about CO

Please pass on to your contacts. Thanks.

Please watch our one minute film about Sue who had carbon monoxide poisoning – could save your life

Thanks for the follow. See also our leaflet


Registered Gas Installers who are concerned about CO

I’ve been contacted by quite a few registered gas installers who can understand the difficulties suffered by consumers especially those poisoned by CO. The registered gas installers are frustrated by the lack of action by the official bodies and want change.
If you are interested please email Stephanie Email address is

New press pack 2016

Our new press pack 2016 has been published and added to the website with 20 years of data from 1995. It can be downloaded from